Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Dragonlance THE MOVIE!!!!!

The other day I heard great news. I am signed up for the SciFi email newsletter from SciFi.com and I came across an article announcing the creation of my favorite books being turned into full length animated motion pictures. Yes the Dragonlance Chronicles are coming to a theater near you (well in fall of 2007 at least). I was ecstatic, I never thought they would make these into movies, but happy to hear they will. I am still a little hesitant about them though because there are some relatively graphic parts to the story and they are creating it as a cartoon. I hope they do well with it or I could be really pissed. Anyway, there isn’t too much out about it yet, but they have announced a few of the voices. To find out more check out http://www.dragonlance-movie.com/


Blogger Robert said...

That Sushi looked great but I have to admit I'm more excited about the movie. The director is the same from the X-men show from the 90's that we watched as kids and he did an impeccable job of staying close to the comics. This looks like its going to be awesome. I do have to admit I had my hopes set on live action but oh well, if they get a good animation team (which I unfortunately doubt since most of the really good ones are in Japan) it could turn out to be amazing.

7:30 PM, July 12, 2006  

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